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Why Learn Spanish

A career in a foreign language is always a glamourous profession, especially for those who have a flair for languages. With the globalization of Indian economy, lots of multinationals companies are coming to India and they are going for joint ventures abroad and, as a result, new vistas of jobs have opened up in foreign languages.

Now a day’s various multinational corporate bodies require candidates possessing sound language skills in Spanish, especially in India.
Spanish is spoken by 4.77 million people worldwide.
• It is the official language in 23 countries and is the second most spoken language in the world after Mandarin.

• The Spanish-speaking population is one of the fastest growing segments in the world today, comprising of a huge community that shares products, services, and culture, and at the same time offering individuals, institutions, and businesses a unique opportunity for growth!
• The biggest attraction that pulls people to learn Spanish in India is the excellent job opportunities it provides in the ever growing BPO sector.

• Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and it covers a huge geographic area of the globe.
• It has an important position in Europe as it is spoken in Spain.
• It is also the second most important language of US where the biggest number of BPO customers come from.

• Knowledge of Spanish gives one access to many diverse cultures, one of the greatest literary works of all times. Don Quixote and 100 years of Solitude to name just a few.
• Spanish Music and Cinema also are great attractions to learn this romance language.

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If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
― Nelson Mandela

Md Ashique Elahi

Multilingual personality having Spanish, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Hindi, English, Portuguese. Has 5 years of corporate experience working in different companies. His mission is teaching methods of research, and supervising students’ projects and thesis in their language learning programmes.