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Why Learn Foreign Language in India?

Why Learn Foreign Language in India?

The advantages of learning foreign languages are multiplying as the globe gets more globalised, and bilingualism is now perhaps the most important real-world talent ever invented, rather than just a cool party trick. You are a unique breed if you are considering making the effort to learn a foreign language rather than expecting the world to accommodate your monolingualism. With the correct attitude and mindset, you can blossom into the outstanding polyglot you desire.


So, why should you study a foreign language? Essentially, the benefits of studying a foreign language can help you succeed in practically every part of your life. Here are some compelling reasons to learn a foreign language:

The Psychological Advantage

Bilingual and multilingual people have brains that look and act differently from their monolingual counterparts. A multilingual brain receives more workout because it activates certain brain areas while working in the second language. This brain activity prevents the onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.


Skilled At Communication

Communication takes place using body language, non-verbal communication, written communication, etc. You become aware of all the aspects that improve your communication abilities when studying a foreign language. You may have noticed that communication can be uncomfortable and awkward at times due to a language barrier. When you can communicate in a foreign language, you build a bridge between yourself and the native speaker.

People tend to get excited and much more willing to help when the opposite person, especially a foreigner, can speak in their native tongue.

Learning a foreign language opens up a world of job opportunities

It’s no secret that studying a foreign language can help you get a better job. More businesses than ever are doing business in multiple—often dozens of—countries throughout the world, but they can’t do so unless they hire employees who are fluent in at least one foreign language. Even with small, local businesses, the ability to speak a second language will likely set you apart from other applicants. In an increasingly competitive work market, why not give yourself every advantage possible?

But it’s not just about filling gaps in your résumé. With globalization in full swing, you may find yourself working with people whose first language is not English. Perhaps it’s an Indian development team, a Chinese manufacturing company, or a German alternative energy source. Being able to converse in another language increases your value to an employer, and having that competitive edge on your resume is unquestionably eye-catching. Know more about the Highest paying foreign language jobs.

Foreign language study grows your brain

Regardless of your age, studies have shown that studying a second language has cognitive advantages. These studies have demonstrated that bilinguals typically had larger brains, better memories, greater creativity, and improved problem-solving skills. These benefits not only make learning more languages simpler, but they also make learning everything easier. In today’s hectic multitasking world, the capacity to move between tasks quickly is particularly crucial. Bilinguals can handle several tasks at once and transition between them considerably more quickly than their monolingual counterparts.

Creates Memorable Experiences

Travelling around the world is a delightful experience. But beyond those fantastic pictures and delicious meals, will be the encounters you have with the locals of that country.

And what better way to enhance that experience than learning the language of that country. Through the language, you will be able to better grasp the culture, the food, the history, and discover some incredible life truths.

Establishing Connections

Language functions like a key that opens doors to a wide range of possibilities. When you converse with someone who is a natural speaker of their own language, you will be fascinated by how the discussion will differ from your own. Speaking in foreign tongues helps establish relationships with people who could have political gain, economic gain, conduct business, or even fall in love.

Learning a foreign language is not just about studying new words or learning new sentences. It’s about upgrading yourself to becoming a more qualified and socially and culturally aware person.

Learning a new language enables you to communicate and understand the underlying forces that shape a nation’s infrastructure or culture. This thus creates limitless opportunities and improves your likelihood of having a bright future.

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First the language dies, then the culture.
― Anonymous

Md Ashique Elahi

Multilingual personality having Spanish, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Hindi, English, Portuguese. Has 5 years of corporate experience working in different companies. His mission is teaching methods of research, and supervising students’ projects and thesis in their language learning programmes.